

I’m Kevin Lin, an aspiring creative with an excessive amount of energy. I’m a 21 year old Chinese Canadian/American who has stumbled onto this field by accident and I am constantly looking to improve my craft and skills.

Although my mandarin may be at a third grade level I can assure you that my work ethic is out of this world. As a visual and very hands-on learner, I've always wondered what I wanted to do in life and this is where it has led me so far. What I do know is that my end goal is to be kind to everyone and help others.

For fun I enjoy spending time with my friends, wandering the streets, gaming, and going to the gym (I go 6 days a week so you know i’m consistent).

Lets chat sometime! I am always looking forward to meeting new people and hearing their story!

Contact Me

P.S. I have dual citizenship in case you are wondering!
© 2022 by Kevin Lin. Website created by 
Jason Silvaroli